
Guardian Enterprises Canada is a multifaceted, privately owned and operated, Canadian Investment, Financial, Advanced Education, Business and Trades Corporation. We pride ourselves in promoting socially-conscious and mutually beneficial investment opportunities, between international markets and Canadian private and public sectors, through the means of:

  • Economic-Diplomacy
  • Education-Diplomacy
  • Heritage, Social and Cultural-Diplomacy
  • Media and Telecommunication-Diplomacy
  • Tourism and Immigration-Diplomacy
  • Sports and Athletics-Diplomacy
  • Entertainment-Diplomacy
  • Governance and Policy-Diplomacy

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to reinvigorate closer and stronger cultural and social exchanges and immersion into Canada’s mosaic makeup while preserving Canadian ideals through reciprocated strategic diplomatic means, programs and services dedicated to global prosperity and sustainability.

Industry Diversification

Guardian Enterprises Canada exclusively emphasizes on developing socially-conscious, educationally-conscious, and culturally-conscious business ventures, investment opportunities, financial services and social enterprises in industry sectors and sub-sectors such as:

  • Advanced Education and Training
  • Sustainable Economy, Business, Trade and Investment
  • Commercial and Individual Financial Services
  • Sciences and Technology
  • Media and Telecommunication
  • Sports and Athletics
  • Arts, Culture and Heritage
  • Community Endowment
  • Green and Sustainable Energy

Strategic Approach

We pride ourselves in promoting, advocating and offering socially-conscious, culturally-conscious, educationally-conscious, reciprocated, fair, and mutually beneficial business, trade, financial, advanced education, and investment opportunities between Canada and international markets to Canadian private and public sectors, to foreign private and public sectors, as well as to foreign governments through the means of:

  • Economic-Diplomacy
  • Education-Diplomacy
  • Heritage, Social and Cultural-Diplomacy
  • Media and Telecommunication-Diplomacy
  • Tourism and Immigration-Diplomacy
  • Sports and Athletics-Diplomacy
  • Entertainment-Diplomacy
  • Governance and Policy-Diplomacy


Guardian Enterprises Canada mission is to structure and develop opportunities directly reflecting the needs for progressive business and non-business concepts which emphasize on educational, cultural, social and ethnic wealth, good citizenship quality, as well as financial prosperity by applying well-established Canadian and International Government Programs to qualified and merit-based Canadian private and public sectors, foreign private and public sectors, as well as to foreign governments-owned and operated enterprises in order to build stronger diplomacy, cultural, social and ethnic diversity, multiculturalism, and relevant global strategic partnerships between Canada and international markets.


Guardian Enterprises Canada values national and international business models, social enterprises, programs and services that are embracive to Canada charter of rights and freedoms, social and cultural equality, diversity, integration and inclusion. Our shared values are connected on socially-conscious, culturally-conscious and educationally-conscious activities and transactions with the commitment to enhance Canada and our international country members' cultural, social, ethnic, educational, economic development and community endowments through vigorous and strategic diplomatic means, acquiring strategically-positioned, growth-oriented, small-to-medium-sized, and privately-held operating companies or divisions or subsidiaries of larger companies or enterprises.


Guardian Enterprises Canada’s target national and international members, investors, contributors and partners are unique. Memberships are granted to qualified, merit-based conscious-minded, elite, educated, successful and affluent Canadians and foreigners as international investors, contributors and partners to take part in proven and established Canadian and International Government Programs dedicated to raise both Canada and our selected international countries’ members’ presence, boost fair and reciprocated investments, trades, diplomacies, and to encourage economic, educational, social and cultural diversifications in a global marketplace. Memberships are also granted to merit-based and qualified foreign governments' owned and operated enterprises, as well as foreign public sectors.

Membership Category

  1. Foreign Private Industrialists, Investors, Entrepreneurs and Bankers
    Foreign industrialists, investors, entrepreneurs and bankers who want to expand and diversify their business/financial portfolio in Canada while remaining in their homeland or country of origin. To illustrate, private banker XYZ may choose to partner with Guardian Enterprises Canada Economic-Diplomacy Program to open and operate a subsidiary or a branch of its bank in Canada under the Canadian Bank Act in order to offer banking/financial services to Canadians, including the many Diaspora communities.
  2. Affluent Foreign Private Citizens
    Affluent foreign individuals who, for whatever the reason, may choose Canada as their priority target for permanent residence and citizenship status; must be committed to live, work, educate their children or themselves, and positively contribute to Canada’s social, cultural, educational and economic growth.
  3. Foreign Government-Owned and Operated Enterprises
    Foreign government-owned and operated enterprises, which may want to have equity/ownership in Canadian businesses, as means to supplementary financial security. To illustrate, Government XYZ -owned and operated telecommunication company may choose to own equity in our Media & Telecommunication-Diplomacy Program. Government XYZ-owned and operated university may choose to own equity in our Education-Diplomacy Program. Excellent platforms for foreign Governments to diversify their investments, to protect and secure their assets while receiving guaranteed return on their investments.
  4. Public Enterprises
    Public enterprise XYZ may choose to partner with us on our Economic-Diplomacy Platform to offer commercial and individual banking/financial services to Canadians and the many Diaspora communities in Canada (Ex: business and personal loans, mortgages, personal banking, Canadian federal and provincial bonds acquisition, Canadian government projects investment, private projects investment, retirement income plans, etc)


Canadian laws, the law of their own country and its people, and have not been prosecuted by International Criminal Court, Interpol, or any other intergovernmental organizations are eligible. Additionally, foreign members must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be 18 years or older
  2. Be allowed to enter Canada on their free will
  3. Speak Intermediate English and/or French
  4. Have discernible skills, that will lead to gainful contributions to Canada’s mosaic makeup
  5. Have reasonable financial means and assets
  6. Succumb to a thorough Canadian and international criminal background check
  7. Be committed to allocate a percentage of their investment to scholarships for Canadian or foreign children’s education at the primary, secondary, or post-secondary level, and/or their extracurricular activities
  8. Be committed to volunteer, based on their level of education and experiences at Guardian Enterprises Canada’s subsidiaries [necessary requirements for those who wish to immigrate to Canada]
  9. Be committed to learn Canadian values while imparting their own culture on the Canadian populace.


Guardian Enterprises Canada holds a mix of talented, successful, and creative list of experts who share common personal and professional values, who see the value of a socially, culturally integrated and inclusive global community, who have the passion for building companies and communities, and who posses strong track records as entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and business executives with excellent global networks, and above all who are culturally and socially knowledgeable of international challenges, sensitivities, diplomacies and affairs.

Guardian Enterprises Canada has established a steering committee of professional experts, who are fully knowledgeable of the Government of Canada Business, Trade, Investment and Financial Laws, Protocols, Acts and Policies, to ensure that our target objectives are met and to properly assist our target members.

Our team of experts offers a holistic approach to all the services necessary to ensure that our target objectives are met and that our target members acquire the knowledge and support needed for informed decision, as they are taking the steps towards partnering with us and choosing Canada as their preferred market for investments.

Privacy - Transparency - Promise

As a privately owned and operated Canadian corporation and under the Canadian Government Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Laws, Guardian Enterprises Canada boasts a robust and detailed transparency and privacy policies with the primary mandate to protect the company integrity, foreign investors and concerned Canadians.

  • We pledge to operate strictly under Canadian Laws.
  • We pledge not to be influenced or coerced our judgment in how we conduct our business through international economic-diplomacy.
  • We pledge to protect Canadian's ideals, cultures and heritages while embracing, protecting, and immersing into others' cultures and heritages.
  • We pledge to protect Canada's prosperity, respect, freedom and liberty of all.

We pledge to promote, support and advocate businesses, trades, investments, and partnerships that are fair, reciprocated, mutually beneficial, socially-conscious, culturally-conscious and financially-conscious to the selected invested countries, contributors, partners and investors.