
Guardian Enterprises Canada strategically emphasizes its researches and marketing efforts in markets with favorable growth environments, and unique competitive advantages. We always carefully scrutinize Canadian and international markets for socially-conscious, culturally aware, and educationally-conscious investment and trade opportunities, based on the needs of our foreign members, partners, and Canadian markets.

Guardian Enterprises Canada has identified industries and industry segments in Canada's Metropolitan markets which offer the most attractive characteristics from the standpoint of long term sustainability, growth, cultural, social, ethnic, educational, and economic wealth to Canadians and our target foreign members, partners and contributors alike.

Guardian Enterprises Canada is instinctively realistic and believes in the short term as well as the long term beneficial advantages to Canadian and our target foreign members, partners, contributors and investors of the industry sectors and sub-sectors selections which constitute our socially-conscious, culturally aware and educationally-conscious enterprises in selected markets with:

  1. Clear benefit from the dynamics of the Canadian markets and international markets.
  2. Apparent availability of closer and stronger cultural and social immersion, and commitment to global prosperity and advancement through diplomatic means.
  3. Understandable and scalable businesses models with multiple and reasonable revenue streams under changing and challenging economic conditions.

Market Overview

Canadian Market

The Canadian market is one of the strongest in the world and ripe for investment opportunities with solid growth, sustainability, security, and stability. The prospect of a complete diversification of investments, aligned with rewards and benefits to our foreign members, partners, contributors, and investors, is critical importance. Opportunities and benefits are immense and awaiting for committed, deliberate and a passionate team of qualified, educated, and merit-based foreign entrepreneurs, industrialists, and philanthropists.

As a global leader in democracy, social justice, and cultural diversity, Canada offers a multitude of financial, social, cultural, ethnic, educational, safety, security, tangible, and intangible benefits to our members, contributors, investors, and partners in business sectors and sub-sectors that espouse relevance. Examples of these sectors are education, finance, telecommunication, agriculture, agri-food, healthcare, technology, and green economics. Guardian Enterprises Canada is dedicated to ensure that our qualified and merit-based international members will indeed be part of these benefits, within fair and due process.

International Markets

Economic, social, and political uncertainty, as well as wars, insurrections, and revolutions have all demonstrated the instability many countries’ markets. Guardian Enterprises Canada advocates, endorses, supports, and promotes socially-conscious, educationally-conscious, and financially-conscious diplomatic means, under Canadian and International Laws, that are realistic and necessary for global prosperity and sustainability.

Guardian Enterprises Canada, through its leadership, creativity, entrepreneurial approach, strategic, and unique diplomatic programs and philosophy, positions itself as a preferred option for international relations among nations, which for so long and traditionally have been socially, culturally, educationally, financially, politically undervalued.

Geographic Diversification

  1. Africa
  2. South and Latin America
  3. Caribbean
  4. Canada & USA
Geo Diversity


Guardian Enterprises Canada ideologically seeks to achieve its objectives through numerous international diplomatic means, acquiring strategically-positioned, growth-oriented, small-to-medium-sized, privately-held operating companies, branches, divisions or subsidiaries of larger companies or enterprises in order to:

  1. Achieve long-term and sustainable business and trade appreciation, educational and cultural advancement, global prosperity, mutual understanding and respect, stronger social inclusion, integration, immersion, exchange and multiculturalism, as well as mutually beneficial diplomatic means and policies that are advantageous to both Canadian and international markets.
  2. Offer our target international members, contributors, investors and partners unique and preferred options for mutually beneficial and reciprocated investments [between selected foreign members’ homeland/country of origin and Canada] while acquire equity or ownership in Canadian enterprises in Canada under all the protections guaranteed by the Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedom.
  3. Offer our target international members, contributors, investors and partners secured platforms to build income, revenue and earn value, which in turn will be re-invested in their homeland or country of origin for educational, financial, skilled trades, infrastructure development and advancement.
  4. Offer our target international members, contributors, investors and partners the opportunity to participate in Canada’s economic growth through selective and unique, socially-conscious, educationally-conscious, culturally-conscious low-risk business and financial projects with multiple revenue streams, long term profitability and sustainability for Canadians and our target international members, partners, contributors and investors' homeland alike.
  5. Build expertise, resilience, and strength in both Canada and foreign members’ homeland, or country of origin, for strategic long term and sustainable growth, by mutually supporting and improving economic, social, cultural and educational development.
  6. Explore, through the Government of Canada Immigration Programs, the options for qualified and merit-based foreign members to potentially being permanent residents and citizens of Canada, while establishing their footprint in Canada's economic development


Guardian Enterprises Canada applies a disciplined and proven approach to the generation, evaluation, selection and disposition of funds, resources, human capital, programs and services. We undertake a business model that, after careful and thorough due diligence, is believed to have all the necessary spheres to support our philosophy.

  1. Well Balanced and Incorporated Diplomatic Resources and Vision
  2. Exceptional Management Team of Experts
  3. Regional and National Market Dominance
  4. Global Focused Strategy
  5. Socially Conscious Market Dominance
  6. Loss Avoidance Strategy
  7. Risk-Benefit Goal Congruence
  8. Attractive Growth Characteristics
  9. Well Defined Exit Strategy
  10. Business and Civic Engagement Alignment
  11. Clear Benefits: from the dynamics of the Canadian market and international market.
  12. Apparent availability of closer and stronger cultural and social immersions and commitment to both Canada and invested foreign countries' culture, social and heritage.
  13. Understandable and scalable businesses model with multiple and reasonable revenue streams under changing and challenging economic conditions.

Guardian Enterprises Canada does not venture in business projects whose products or services are subject to significant environmental change or trends. Guardian Enterprises Canada takes part in business ventures where there is an alignment of civic engagement, commitment, social, cultural, ethnic integration, inclusion and diversity.

We follow a regimented approach to assessing business, trade and financial opportunities which emphasizes on loss avoidance. In general, Guardian Enterprises Canada will not engage in businesses that follow discredited operational, product or service models; and therefore unacceptable risks.


Guardian Enterprises Canada is continuously exploring opportunities and partnerships that support our core vision, provide creative and unique approaches to educational, social, cultural and financial wealth to advantageously benefit Canadians and the many Diaspora communities in Canada, as well as international markets. We provide opportunities in, but not limited to, education and training, media and telecommunication, sciences and technology, commercial and individual banking and financial services, renewable energy, recreational, sports and athletic facilities, museums, arts, and cultural facility establishments, and healthcare.

We offer business ventures with attractive growth prospects and high quality management teams, where our target foreign members and partners are interested in being passive and silent investors of the subsidiary companies we operate or desire to start. Our dynamic team of experts always seeks out to expand into new geographies or otherwise enhance existing urban, national or global business market models, as well as seeks out for unique socially-conscious business projects that take stable, proven technologies or processes and leverage them to create better competitive positions.

Our approach is based on the fundamentals of global prosperity, cultural understanding, integration, inclusion and diversity in a global world of advanced education, integration of technology, languages, communication, artistic, cultural, media, and social investment.

Our business model and platform do take into consideration foreign individuals who may have an interest to immigrate to Canada; thus our opportunities could potentially lead to permanent residence and citizenship status in Canada under the "Government of Canada Immigration Programs".

Through the process of vetting suitable candidates, who share the value for higher education, good citizenship quality, civic engagement, social and cultural understanding integration, inclusion and diversity, our approach is simple but yet effective.

  1. Advertising awareness campaign of opportunities to international markets, through diplomatic channel of communications.
  2. Vetting potential privates and public candidates or entities, as well as government-owned and operated entities
  3. Agreeing on investment terms and conditions
  4. Working diligently with legal team of experts, selected foreign investors, contributors, partners and members to assist with all the necessary information and documents required under the Government of Canada laws, policies and protocols.


Careful Evaluation

With each opportunity, a careful evaluation determines what type of foreign members with the highest percentage of approval is appropriate in order to vet suitable foreign contributors, partners, and investors, align incentives and enhance returns, while minimizing downside risk and maintaining operating flexibility.

Due Diligence

Guardian Enterprises Canada employs a rigorous approach to projects and opportunities evaluation and management. All facets of due diligence are exhaustively researched and documented prior to final decisions, including final decision regarding foreign contributors, partners, members and investors selection. Deal valuation, terms, and structure reflect strong financial discipline of managing risk and provide downside protection, while maximizing economic, social, educational and cultural values for the benefit of our stakeholders.


Guardian Enterprises Canada does believe in a disciplined multi-stage approach merges into a strategy with significant upside, while moderating overall risk in building its well-balanced business venture portfolio that presents the best economic, social and cultural rewards for Canadians and our target foreign investors, contributors, partners and members versus risk opportunity to earn superior returns.

Relationship Building

Guardian Enterprises Canada approach focuses on close relationships with our corporate partners, executive teams, stringent budgetary controls, using technology to its best advantage and detailed business progress monitoring. Regular communication and management scrutiny of each and every project increases the likelihood that our ventures or companies perform according to plans and greatly enhances retention of senior management. We seek to take part primarily in ventures or companies which target, or benefit from diverse Canadian and international markets, and companies in which there is significant interest in making a difference in society, as well as ventures and companies which also are thriving in Canadian markets and have been identified to succeed nationally with a global perception.

Tracking and Monitoring

Guardian Enterprises Canada understands the importance of developing investment tracking systems to analyze the data it collects on investment opportunities awarded, deal sources, industry concentrations, potential competitive threats and general activity level in any sector under consideration to ensure that our target foreign investors, contributors, partners and members have all the supports needed to be fully integrated and included in Canada's economic, workforce, education, social and cultural makeup, as they wish for.